Third time's a charm
Well, I'm back for a while. I just finished up my M2 features for our next release. Time to hand it off to the Test team for a while and let them beat on it. But, more on the V2 stuff later, after alpha, or beta, or something where we've made the feature set public. I don't want to say anything for fear of getting everyone excited about something and then having it cut at the last minute.
But, anyway, what's the title got to do with that? I've been trying to install the 1.2 MSDN release. Normally that wouldn't be much of a problem, I've probably installed it at least a few dozen times (and now that I'm focused on dev work for V2 I'm installing V2 sometimes three times a day - and yes, the new setup is incredibly cool and easier to use). This time was different. I was trying to install on a VPC running Windows 2003 Server. Nothing particularly special about that VPC, it's a domain member and the database server will be running somewhere outside of a VPC. What was different was that I had installed the Whidbey community preview which dropped the 2.0 .NET Framework and I had forgotten to tell Windows that it was going to be just fine if ASP.NET was enabled.
But that's just the start of the problems...
The first time I ran the install I went through the usual stuff. Fill out the page, click next, read the complaint about Windows feature X not being installed, install feature X, click next, and try again. It didn't take long to work through that since I knew what to expect after the first complaint. What I didn't expect was the flat out failure while creating the databases. Since I wrote most of the V1 database install code I knew where it was when it failed, but I sure couldn't figure out why from the message. I mean, come on, the step it was working through was pretty simple. Turns out that when setup is rebuilding the foreign key constraints in the database it simply walks all of the ones it finds in the current database...
Well, I turned on verbose setup logging (/l*v logfile if you haven't seen it yet) and tried again. Sure enough, it was failing at step '03 fknfr'. I stared at it for a while, cleaned everything up, fired up SQL profiler, and tried my third install of the night. Profiler showed that, yes, it was failing there. So I grabbed the script off the installation CD and tried to run it manually (but not before turning off the actual exec calls and replacing them with print) so I could see why things were failing. Well, that was a weird experience. I ran the script and the table names that were scrolling by were only vaguely related to the ones I would normally find in CRM. Oh, don't get me wrong, the expected tables were all there, but so were a bunch of other tables that I wasn't really expecting. To say the least I was getting nervous because the table names shown were actually tables from another very unrelated database on the same server and I started thinking that somehow setup had changed to an incorrect database context and trashed something. To make this a little less painful let's just say I spent quite a while staring at things until I remembered that my 'model' database on that server was actually set up to create a completely different type of table structure for each new database. Since CRM creates three databases during setup, it got seeded with three complete databases before it even started installing it's own stuff.
The moral of the story is simple - make sure you have an empty 'model' database or very bad things might happen.
By the way, even after switching database servers, I was still unsuccessful installing the product. Sure, things seemed to be working well, but then I ran into some weirdness with importing the default data (aka roles, privileges, and other goodies). Even after what seemed like a complete install things didn't work, which I'm attributing to the Whidbey bits cluttering up that server. I'm also assuming that switching from a 'normal' SQL installation to one running in a named instance is causing me some grief.
As I'm recounting this fun I'm watching a new Server 2003 installation happen in the background. This time I'm going to make sure all the stuff that's needed is installed when I start and I won't install anything else. Guess I should have read the IG...
But, anyway, what's the title got to do with that? I've been trying to install the 1.2 MSDN release. Normally that wouldn't be much of a problem, I've probably installed it at least a few dozen times (and now that I'm focused on dev work for V2 I'm installing V2 sometimes three times a day - and yes, the new setup is incredibly cool and easier to use). This time was different. I was trying to install on a VPC running Windows 2003 Server. Nothing particularly special about that VPC, it's a domain member and the database server will be running somewhere outside of a VPC. What was different was that I had installed the Whidbey community preview which dropped the 2.0 .NET Framework and I had forgotten to tell Windows that it was going to be just fine if ASP.NET was enabled.
But that's just the start of the problems...
The first time I ran the install I went through the usual stuff. Fill out the page, click next, read the complaint about Windows feature X not being installed, install feature X, click next, and try again. It didn't take long to work through that since I knew what to expect after the first complaint. What I didn't expect was the flat out failure while creating the databases. Since I wrote most of the V1 database install code I knew where it was when it failed, but I sure couldn't figure out why from the message. I mean, come on, the step it was working through was pretty simple. Turns out that when setup is rebuilding the foreign key constraints in the database it simply walks all of the ones it finds in the current database...
Well, I turned on verbose setup logging (/l*v logfile if you haven't seen it yet) and tried again. Sure enough, it was failing at step '03 fknfr'. I stared at it for a while, cleaned everything up, fired up SQL profiler, and tried my third install of the night. Profiler showed that, yes, it was failing there. So I grabbed the script off the installation CD and tried to run it manually (but not before turning off the actual exec calls and replacing them with print) so I could see why things were failing. Well, that was a weird experience. I ran the script and the table names that were scrolling by were only vaguely related to the ones I would normally find in CRM. Oh, don't get me wrong, the expected tables were all there, but so were a bunch of other tables that I wasn't really expecting. To say the least I was getting nervous because the table names shown were actually tables from another very unrelated database on the same server and I started thinking that somehow setup had changed to an incorrect database context and trashed something. To make this a little less painful let's just say I spent quite a while staring at things until I remembered that my 'model' database on that server was actually set up to create a completely different type of table structure for each new database. Since CRM creates three databases during setup, it got seeded with three complete databases before it even started installing it's own stuff.
The moral of the story is simple - make sure you have an empty 'model' database or very bad things might happen.
By the way, even after switching database servers, I was still unsuccessful installing the product. Sure, things seemed to be working well, but then I ran into some weirdness with importing the default data (aka roles, privileges, and other goodies). Even after what seemed like a complete install things didn't work, which I'm attributing to the Whidbey bits cluttering up that server. I'm also assuming that switching from a 'normal' SQL installation to one running in a named instance is causing me some grief.
As I'm recounting this fun I'm watching a new Server 2003 installation happen in the background. This time I'm going to make sure all the stuff that's needed is installed when I start and I won't install anything else. Guess I should have read the IG...